Tuesday, November 10, 2009


And if you didn't already know this..Now you do.

Biggest piece of shit--ever. And the left is rewarding his behavior by giving him commercials and plenty of air time in which they poke fun at the fact that he knocked up Bristol Palin (Sara Palin's underage daughter). Levi endorses it by the way, if you haven't already noticed the commercial, with him in it. The one about nuts, in which they make light of the situation that Levi got Bristol Palin pregnant, and that Levi now "uses protection." Yes, because making light of a situation where children haphazardly created a child and the father (Levi) has been viciously attacking the Palins with slanderous talk and going to the sleazy mags about his sexual relationship with Bristol is SO hilarious.

Only in America.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

So you're calling me a racist?


What some people are doing, is saying the reason why most Americans are resistant to Obama is because he is black. When you throw race into the conversation--that conversation stops. And this is what these people are trying to accomplish. They don't want to face the fact, that the man they put into power, is a complete and utter FAILURE.

I would like to say that the President Bush haters are racist then. You are racist for calling him a REDNECK and yet, no one was up in arms to defend President Bush against racism.
If we were a racist nation (i'm not disputing that we're are/are not, necessarily--i could give a crap, because I will be the first to say i live with my own prejudices i'm certainly not above that) then why do we have a black president in the first place??
I can tell you one thing. We're never going to have another black president again. Because no one wants a president they can't criticize without being called a RACIST. This is exactly REVERSE RACISM.

Disagreeing with his policies is called PRINCIPLE POLITICAL DISAGREEMENT.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

CNN is hurting and thus giving in. I'm sure it hurts..

HALLELUJAH! I was flipping through the news channels to check on CNN and THEY HAVE FINALLY started talking about ACORN.
They probably got Bill O'Reilly's message last night loud and clear about how they should basically stop talking sh*t and turn on to FOX News and SEE what makes them so popular is the first place! HA!

I love this guy. CNN's last ditch effort to gain some fans (and by that I mean reporting responsibly)..

ACORN threatens young girl and FOX News

Isn't it REALLY pathetic that a twenty year old girl is the one who masterminded a plan in the first place to expose ACORN? I fear for her safety, actually. Bertha Lewis(ACORN CEO) publicly announced that she was going after Fox News and this girl (whom are totally unrelated--she wasn't working for Fox News, she worked independently FYI). She should team up with good lawyers and if anything happens to this girl, all fingers should point to ACORN bullies. Cause that's what they are. Illinois thugs... Like Mr. Obama.

*sigh* wake up America..
Can someone get me the video of Obama kissing ACORN's ass and telling him that he WILL be in the white house come January? Confident much? That's why he has YET to publicly denounce ACORN--He owes his Presidency to them.
So even though I didn't vote for Obama, you and I indirectly put him in the White House with our money. Here's what I don't understand. ACORN is a left-wing activist organization. So why can't special interest groups fund them? Why are tax payers paying for it?
ACORN is famous for voter fraud.
ACORN used your money to get Obama in the white house.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is attempting to make sure ACORN received no more tax payer money in California. Let's watch and see how this pans out!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My problem with ACORN

I bet the CEO of ACORN (Bertha Lewis) doesn't even know what "entrapment" means, let alone spell it.
Let me explain something to you, without going easily into an angry rant about EVERYTHING wrong with ACORN but let me say this...
If I was a practicing SLP and a parent came up to me and says to me that they were going to offer me a grand under the table, to quality their child to free educational rehabilitative services (because they do not meet qualifications for whatever reason) and I ACCEPT their offer and find out that in fact it was a Sting Operation. Yes, I have been
"entrapped" BUT IT DOESN'T TAKE AWAY FROM THE FACT THAT I'VE DONE/PARTICIPATED IN SOMETHING ILLEGAL. Listen, if you are obeying the law and operating within a legal scope, you shouldn't worry about being entrapped in the first place!
I don't know who ACORN thinks they are. They certainly are not above the law and when my father, for example, orders LIFE SAVING tests for his patients, the insurance company, ASK why the doctor ordered this test, and have the doctor provide a RATIONALE for why he/she has done so. So I ask again, who the hell do they think they are, squandering taxpayer money and feel as though their practices should go unchecked?

GTFOutta here.

And not another red cent of tax payer money should go to this organization. Period.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Our first Amendment rights are under seige

The white house recently released a statement, saying that if any of your neighbors use "unusually fishy" talk against Obama or his health care plan, to give them the name and information.

If you're not scared, you should be. This is exactly what they did in the Russian and Egyptian governments, just to name a few.

Do they think they can just intimidate the American people like this? Obama is pissing on the very foundation this country was built upon. Freedom of speech? Our first amendment right?
Will we be thrown in jail? Perhaps--I can tell you one thing, they will definitely try to get you in trouble for something, one way or another. They'll follow your every move, audit you and basically make life HELL for you. What does the government THINK they will accomplish when they have these names? What do they plan to do with individuals who use "unusually fishy" talk? Why is this the governments business? It's so apparent that this administration disrespects and disregards this country. They don't love this country, they want to see it fail and have the utmost contempt for the country it once was. Screw this communist administration. How's that for fishy talk?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jennifer Aniston is an idiot.

Seriously. What is this broad on?
I guess since Obama was elected president, the sun has been shining brighter, the roses are in bloom and according to Uber idiot, Jennifer Aniston, he is also the reason Paparazzi are saving stray dogs from traffic.
God, it's no wonder Brad left her sorry butt. How about giving the paparazzo credit from putting his own life on the line to save the dog?
Where the hell have I been, under a rock? Everyone knows that under the Bush administration, people actually would see stray dogs running into traffic and leave them to get him by cars. I guess under the Bush Administration, we were all made of stone.. It was ONLY until Obama, our Savior, came into the picture that our icy hearts thawed out and people adopted random "good deeds" as Jennifer called it.
Seriously, this man can do no wrong in the eyes of these zombies. Zombies or groupies. I haven't decided what's worse.

follow that link and skip over to about 3 minutes into it...