Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I smell a double standard

I am so disgusted with how the left is painting the tea baggers, who represent Americans (Democrat, Republican, Independent) as racists with a hate monger agenda SIMPLY because they oppose what the government is going to this country.
I remember a time where the media turned a blind eye to blatant racism and hate from the left under the Bush administartion. In fact, tonight on Fox News, I saw clips of people holding signs that said, "Save Mother Earth,Kill Bush." Believe me, that was tame. "Kill a terrorist Bomb his house Kill Bush Bomb his F____ing house,"and a black woman was holding a "Kill Bush" sign, did everyone go running out in the street, up in arms to defend President George W. Bush's honor? where were these racist sniffing dogs then? Oh it's fine right? Because the color of Bush's skin is indicative of the race that's "unopressed" therefore, it's OK. He can take it.
Do you understand the ramifications of the same thing just replacing Kill Bush with Kill Obama? The fact of the matter is that Obama's skin color PROTECTS him from all of this. No one would dare say that about Obama for fear of ramifications.
Now, Honest angry Americans are being called racist simply for peacefully voicing opposition? The media couldn't wait to jump in on this tea-bagging right hate monger fan club. More like a witch hunt if you ask me.
Keep on fight the good fight Americans. Don't let the left intimidate you or let their name calling stop you. Don't let them trap you, taunt you into doing something stupid or on their level. They're just waiting for it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Obama you're a very, very polarizing and arrogant SOB.
How dare you MOCK Americans during your speech?
If Healthcare was left to the AMERICAN PEOPLE to vote on, it wouldn't have passed. Period.
Not all democrats voted for your OBAMACARE however those who did, are just a bunch of blind sheeps.
They don't mind passing it. Half of them don't even pay their taxes! They're tax evading criminals for crying out loud. So thank you OH so very much for sticking Americans with a very expensive tab. And your "people dying in the streets" rhetoric? That's all it is. Rhetoric.
Come to Egypt! I'll show you poverty. I will show you people who are REALLY denied basic human rights based on their religion! The Christians are second class citizens.
For God's sake you can walk into County USC with no money, no insurance and get treated for free! You don't even have to be LEGAL. Got you covered, folks! At the expense of the tax paying citizens. That's already costing us a fortune. You liberals with your "moral" issues. If you were concerend with "morality" you'd be Conservatives.
Well, I'd start looking for a new job if i were you, because you're probably not going to have one come Novermber! :)

Obama: the second coming of Christ?

What kind of world are we living in where Obama is praised as Christ-like, and now more than ever, the a attack on the Vatican and Christianity? What is wrong with this picture? What the hell is wrong with people? You're all sheeps. And you're not going to have to answer to Christians. No, you're going to answer to God for being so enamored with a mortal. I'm so discusted.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Americans. Please wake up.
