Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jennifer Aniston is an idiot.

Seriously. What is this broad on?
I guess since Obama was elected president, the sun has been shining brighter, the roses are in bloom and according to Uber idiot, Jennifer Aniston, he is also the reason Paparazzi are saving stray dogs from traffic.
God, it's no wonder Brad left her sorry butt. How about giving the paparazzo credit from putting his own life on the line to save the dog?
Where the hell have I been, under a rock? Everyone knows that under the Bush administration, people actually would see stray dogs running into traffic and leave them to get him by cars. I guess under the Bush Administration, we were all made of stone.. It was ONLY until Obama, our Savior, came into the picture that our icy hearts thawed out and people adopted random "good deeds" as Jennifer called it.
Seriously, this man can do no wrong in the eyes of these zombies. Zombies or groupies. I haven't decided what's worse.
follow that link and skip over to about 3 minutes into it...